026: Turning Doubts into Degrees - Jo’s University Journey

β€œIf you just reach out, talk to anyone around you who might be able to help and support, reach out to the uni, and there is support out there. And if I can do it, anyone can do it.”

In this episode we welcome Jo Burge as she reflects on her unconventional path to study, starting with a challenging high school experience, progressing through TAFE diplomas, and finding passion in community service roles.

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Linden Rudge
025: Career Kaleidoscope - from Education to Local History

β€œI also think it is important to ... go out into the world and see what else is there and bring different ideas back into your community.”

Janine Roberts, co-founder of Midcoast Stories, holds degrees in Arts and Education from UQ and QUT. Formerly a Mandarin Chinese teacher, she transitioned to research and education at the University of Queensland.

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Linden Rudge
024: A passion for helping online students

Today we're joined by Evan Weller, our Campus Coordinator here at Taree Universities Campus.

β€œThere's many, many doors that you need to knock on in proper university to get to the right person. So that's where a lot of the struggle is with students.

That's why I like the role that I'm in now, it’s helping the students get to that right person rather than waiting 48 hours for an email response.”

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Meredith Paige
023: Giving people a voice

β€œI actually really value the pathway that I took, because the TAFE diploma gave me that practical experience, I was able to really see how things worked on the ground.

I feel like each step was really essential to where I'm at.”

Today we get to hear from Sarah Wilkinson, a community engagement coordinator at Ronald McDonald House Forster.

Let's get started!

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Linden Rudge
022: You don't have to have one set path

β€œMost students just need that help to get them through and to help them regulate. If you can master that when you're a student, then off you go to uni or out to work, and you're self regulating yourself. You just have a better life.”

Today we're joined by Alison Trudgeon on how her science degree took her to the Northern Territory for a wonderful experience, then moved into primary education and then into special education.

Let's get started!

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Linden Rudge
020: Turning your creativity into a successful career

β€œI absolutely love what I do, it doesn't feel like work to me. I'm still amazed that I was able to turn my hobbies into a successful career”

Today we are joined by Shelley Kurtz, Owner and Graphic Designer at Creative Shell and Art tutor at Paint with Shell. Shelley studied a Bachelor of Visual Communication Design at The University of Newcastle. 

Let's dive in!

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Linden Rudge
018: Connecting to language and culture

β€œI try and encourage kids, both spiritually, mentally, but also trying to get them to connect to language if they don't have it. Because there's a lot of culture in language, people don't realise how much culture is in there.”

Today we hear from Debbie Ballangarry. Debbie is studying a Bachelor of Arts in languages and linguistics through Charles Darwin University.

Let's dive in!

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Linden Rudge
014: Pathways to a Career in Construction Management

"With bachelor of construction management, you generally don't go through the entire degree without getting employed, it's a really good degree in that you gain employment pretty quick"

Today we are joined by Taree local Brad Caldon. Brad studied a Bachelor of Construction Management at Newcastle University and now runs residential building company Caldon Group.

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Linden Rudge
013: The love of languages, linguistics and communication

"Working as a speech pathologist is fantastic, because there's a lot of flexibility and I get the time to be with my children on weekends and holidays."

Today we are joined by Sophie Nicholls, who is a speech pathologist in Taree. Sophie studied a Bachelor of Arts at Newcastle University, and honors and PhD at University of New England, and a Master's of Speech Pathology at Charles Sturt University.

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Linden Rudge
012: Learning to empower the community through storytelling

"The main thing that really inspired me was hearing the kids stories and how when they had those shared conversations, it just brought them all together. And I think it when they're together, they felt stronger".

Today we have Hailey Trudgeon, who is studying a Bachelor of Community Health and a certificate in Narrative Therapy at Taree Universities campus. Let’s dive in.

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Linden Rudge
011: Formalising practical skills

'I found that studying externally helped my professional role and vice versa. Everything I did in my professional role in tourism and marketing also fit in, and informed my university degree. They just went hand in glove really.'

Today we have Val Schaefer, Community Development Officer with Mission Australia, who's been in the Taree community since 1997 to take up a job with council. Let's dive in!

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Linden Rudge
010: Corporate to Country

"I just felt it was time to put my brain back into work again, and so I chose a course"

Today we have Dr Alison McIntosh, the chairperson of our board here at Taree University's campus. Alison has a degree in Urban and Regional Planning from UNE as well as a doctorate in Human Geography. Let's dive in!

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Linden Rudge
009: Clinical to leadership in Allied Health

"I've always worked with children in the pediatric health space. So you know, the the philosophy and the ethos behind what First Steps Count is trying to achieve really resonated with me."

Today we have Clare Brennan from First Steps Counts, who is their transition manager. Clare has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Speech Pathology from the University of Sydney. Let's dive in!

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Linden Rudge
008: Life Long Learning

"Every time I find that I do study, some door opens, or there is some opportunity that presents as a direct result of it."

Today we have Bree Katsamangos, Program Manager of Mission Australia who grew up in Taree, and gained an Honours Degree in Social Science and a Graduate Certificate in Social Impact.

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Linden Rudge