Introducing the TUC Human Library Series
A Human Library is a library of people instead of books.
In the TUC Human Library Series 1, we brought together some of the diverse people in the Mid Coast region to share their stories of resilience, tenacity and success.
Our interviewees shared their responses to questions such as:
What does your professional life look like currently?
Can you describe a skill that has helped you get to this point?
Looking back, can you think of a specific time when you have used your skill to reach a goal?
What do you love about your professional or personal life now?
What do you think this says about the values that are important to you?
What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self and what would it mean for your younger self to hear this?
We invite you to enjoy these video interview with a brilliant selection of individuals below.
"It helps so much to be heard, and to have someone there with you."
Alana Trudgeon, Crisis Supporter for Lifeline and Admin & Wellbeing Support for TUC, talks about the importance of passion and dedication when doing the difficult work of supporting others in distress.
"You've just got to stay the course, and the rewards will come."
Dr. Alison McIntosh, Chair of Taree Universities Campus, joins us to discuss how persistence and attention to detail can open so many doors to greater opportunities.
"There's a real skill in being able to succinctly figure out 'what do people need?' and then to frame it in a way that people can easily understand. And sometimes, that skill actually involves you being quiet, and not saying anything."
Anna Godfrey, founder of The Switcher, shares the immense value of confidence in your ability to communicate, and the benefits this critical skill can bring to all facets of work & life.
"The meaning of 'helping people' has changed and evolved for me. It's actually more effective to work alongside people, and walk with them."
Clare Brennan, Centre Director for First Steps Count, shares the evolution of her career as a Speech Pathologist and the broader importance of communication.
"It's about each person being able to work to their strengths... and I know that they're the right people to bring into the team to create that holistic approach."
Donna Ballard, CEO of Taree Universities Campus, describes the power of community connection that she has witness firsthand throughout her career, and the brilliant way it can bring success to more than just the individual.
"You've got to be willing to take risks and dive in the deep end... you've just got to believe in yourself and keep pushing on."
Jake Davey - musician, singer, songwriter, producer, photographer and videographer - talks about the essential skills of consistency, creativity and passion and how they have shaped his career today.
"Whenever an obstacle gets in the way or something wrong happens, you're able to move past it - or you know find a solution to it - because you just enjoy what you do."
Jake Dawson - who supports small businesses in website development, content creation and automation through his business, UpBound - share his experiences in harnessing a creative mindset to find innovative solutions.
"I have the ability to adapt my skills to whatever I'm working on at the moment - I have turned my hobbies and interests into a job... and it gave me a way of connecting with my new community."
Janine Roberts - Co-Owner of MidCoast Stories - shares how harnessing determination and drive enables her to dive deep into local history and tell the important stories of our region, as well in her work across teaching, writing programs within Universities and much more.
"Integrity, which also comes into research integrity. I think it's really important to know when to ask the right questions. You have to be an authentic person to get the right answers."
Jessica Loughland, a post-doctoral researcher at a medical research institute, shares how she contributes to the knowledge we have about the human immune response to Malaria, particularly as it has such an impact on young children and pregnant women.
"Empathy - The best way to enjoy the work is wanting to help those clients."
Kyle Brown, Co Owner of UpBound, talks about the importance of empathy, regardless of the clients you serve.
"It's the willingness to learn, the willingness to try new things."
Meredith Paige, freelance Marketing Consultant, shares the profound impact that pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone can have on a fulfilling creative career.
"Coding, writing - these are all important and you need them for your job. But they're also changing. The broader thing is, knowing how to focus."
Mitch Rudge, a Natural Capital Data Scientist for Bush Heritage Australia, talks about the ability to develop a level of focus that allows him to dedicate himself to the task at hand, and how this leads to greater success.
"It's very important to be able to listen: listen for instructions, listen for feedback, observe the body language - does what your hearing correlate with the body language?"
Narelle Campbell, who has previously worked as part of the Antarctic Research Division and the Station Selection Panel, shares the importance of listening and observing at pivotal moments in her career.
"The thing you learn with lots of experience in leadership is that it's far too nuanced to learn apart from anything hands-on."
Trent Chapman, owner of Local Pest Experts, tells his story of the ongoing development of his own leadership skills. He shares the difference between learning via reading, versus learning in practice.
"If you are tenacious enough to keep coming back for more everyday, you're 80% of the way there."
Wade Death, owner of Jack & Co, talks about the importance of resilience in starting, growing and scaling a business. He also shares the joy that can be found in supporting others in developing their careers.
"I don't think in terms of skill. I think in terms of passion. Because if we're passionate about something, we're going to excel at it anyway."
Dr Wendy Wright - artist, translator & writer - shares a career journey that didn't follow a set trajectory, but rather a trail of interest, passion and a love of learning.
This Project is proudly supported by the NSW Government and funded under the joint Australian Government – NSW Government Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements 2018 as part of our TUC Learning Community Project. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the New South Wales Government