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Supporting the youth of the Mid Coast to choose their own education adventure.

TUC is working alongside Australian National University (ANU), the University of Newcastle (UoN) and the local community to develop a project to

  • increase the visibility of the different journeys students take post school and empower students to make educated choices; 

  • increase student self-belief and confidence to tackle decisions and challenges associated with school and transitioning out of school.

Want to know more about the program?


 EduVenture Milestone Report

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 Upcoming Dates

  • Taree TAFE

    In Term 4 Year 9 students had the opportunity of a campus tour at Taree TAFE. Students learnt about the huge variety of courses on offer and hear a bit more about opportunities such as the YES program and SBAT programs.  

    Departments that were visited included nursing, children’s service, auto, engineering, community services, retail, business and technology, animal studies, equine, horticulture, agribusiness, hair and beauty, CPALES.  

    Still to come in Term 4:

    University of Newcastle

    Students from some schools will have the opportunity to travel to the University of Newcastle to experience what it looks and feels like to attend University. Students will spend some time with Uni ambassadors, complete a campus tour and have a Q & A with some academics.


    23rd October: Chatham High and GLC, Tuncurry visit Taree TAFE.

    6th November: Wingham High and Gloucester High Visit Taree TAFE.

    19th November: Chatham High and Wingham High visit the University of Newcastle.

Session Resources


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • EduVenture is a part of a larger federally funded project responding to the 2019 National Regional, Rural and Remote Tertiary Education Strategy. In this project Regional University Centres will work with major Universities to deliver a range of locally tailored initiatives aimed at inspiring young people from regional and remote areas to pursue and follow their aspirations.

    This strategy identified that regional and remote students experience additional challenges that may act as a barrier to aspiration and preparedness for higher education.

  • Following on from community consultation in 2022, TUC are partnering with Australian National University (ANU) to coordinate a research project exploring the impact of engaging with High School students in earlier school years (i.e., Year 8) to encourage them to start thinking about their future in the early high school years.

    A team of ANU and TUC Student Ambassadors will work with 2023 Year 8 students across 6 local high schools to share personal, hope-driven stories of their journeys of decision making and navigating the transition to life after school. This will be paired with hands on activities to support students in recognising their own strengths and interests and applying themes to their own lives.

  • Year 8 students from:

    • Bulahdelah Central School

    • Chatham High School

    • Gloucester High School

    • Great Lakes College (7-10 Tuncurry Campus)

    • Taree High School

    • Wingham High School

  • Participation in the workshops will be part of the school day for all Year 8 students, however participation in the questionnaires for the research project will be voluntary with an β€˜opt out’ option for students.

  • The school sessions will involve ANU and TUC Student Ambassadors sharing personal, hope-driven stories of their journeys of decision making and navigating the transition to life after school.

    This will be paired with a hands-on activity to support students reflecting on their own strengths and applying themes to their own lives. Students will participate in one session per term.

  • The EduVenture is a two-year project which will involve one visit to Year 8 students at the six high schools once per term.

  • Businesses and recent graduates or students currently studying are invited to contact us if you are interested in being involved.

    There are a variety of ways to be involved. We are seeking facilitators to work with Year 8 students who might be willing to share their experiences of school, study & employment.

    We are also seeking people from local businesses to come and share how they came about in the MidCoast area and opportunities for future employees.

  • For further information contact


Learn More

Want to know more about the EduVenture Program? Email Program Coordinator Gemma Death on

The Eastern Australian Regional University Centres Partnership (EARUCP) is funded through the Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program (RPPPP); an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education.β€―EARUCP is co-led by UTS and CUC Central, in partnership with Universities and Regional University Centres across Queensland, Victoria, ACT and New South Wales. EARUCP values meaningful, sustainable partnerships and reciprocal knowledge exchange between Regional University Centres, Universities and regional and remote communities. 


Past Events

  • Completed 19-23 June 2023 - Representatives from both the TUC and ANU EduVenture teams visited local MidCoast High Schools to conduct the first in the series of workshops with Year 8 students. The session focused on exploring students ideas and aspirations around what a life of learning might look like for them after High School.

  • Completed September-October 2023 - The second visit to schools or interaction included the first part of the project survey to 2023 Year 8 cohort. Activities at some schools then focused on local career expos and helping students with resumes and to land jobs, for the coming summer or any other job opportunities!

  • Completed 21-23 November 2023 - Representatives from both the TUC and University of Newcastle EduVenture teams visited local MidCoast High Schools to showcase exciting careers (Health, Agriculture, Construction Management, Finance/Business) and Uni life in a mini career roadshow filled with activities. The Year 8 students voted for which careers they wished to know more about at previous visits.

  • Completed April, 2024. A part of our project is bringing people from local industry and businesses in to talk to students about their careers in our local area. Across our 6 schools we had 26 volunteers who gave up their time to come and chat with students and answer their questions about their career journey and current β€˜day job’. Many of these volunteers were alumni from that school. The feedback from students was that they loved hearing real life stories of people’s challenges, experiences and journeys. We are so grateful for or volunteers and hope students had an opportunity to see how diverse your career can be!