Search for a Song with Scott and Matty
The Search for a Song workshop held on Friday the 17th with Scott Greenaway and Matty Zarb was a wonderful night of creativity, bravery and, of course, pizza.
We started the workshop by listening to a specially written song that Scott and Matty had produced especially for this workshop in only one hour. The catchy lyrics had us all giggling and clapping along. Our mentors talked to us about how important the creative process is, especially for young people who may not have the freedom to express themselves in a straightforward way. By writing down their thoughts and ideas, they were able to say things they may not have found the words for during conversation.
To help us feel relaxed in the space and learn each other's names, we moved into a drumming circle. It was a noisy, fun, high energy time and by the end we were feeling more and more comfortable in the space and with each other.
At this stage it was clear that the attendees were eager to get writing, so we sent them out into the campus space to get comfortable and creative. Some gravitated towards instruments, others only needed their notebooks and pens. Within minutes you could hear the humming of melodies, the rewriting of rhymes and plucking of strings. We even had a girl group form around a keyboard, guitar, and bass! It was so inspiring to watch.
Before we knew it, it was dinner time. Pizza was generously donated to us by local heroes – Dominos Taree – and the young people fuelled up to keep writing. Pizza demolished and stomachs full the team was back at it; strumming, drumming, singing, writing, tapping, rhyming. The wonderful instructors walked around, playing chords, harmonizing, and building confidence.
Eventually we came back together, and most were willing to stand up in front of their peers and sing/play what they had written. This fearlessness would have been enough, but to hear their personal moments, triumphs, and losses, told truthfully in a rawness only found in vulnerability. It was moving.
I cannot wait to hear more from each one of them and every one of them. Keep an eye out MidCoast, we have the next generation of music blossoming right here.
Corrie O’Brien
Taree Universities Campus
Events Coordinator
Media inquiries:
Donna Ballard, CEO, Taree Universities Campus - M 0417 570 359