One week to go! CareerQuip July 28, 2022

CareerQuip: something new for '22 

CareerQuip is set to open the gates to over 2000 students and the general public on Thursday July 28.  

This event is the first of its kind for the Mid Coast region and was born as a response to COVID style restrictions and a genuine desire to involve community. The 2022 Lower North Coast Careers Expo will move beyond the school environment to become CareerQuip, offering a genuine learning experience for the students of the Mid Coast.  

The event will take place in and around Taree's Fotheringham Park, Taree University Campus and their new location, the old Mid Coast Council building on the corner of River and Pulteney Street. 

The all-day event is timed to assist as many people as possible to access the expo with the gates open from 8am – 4pm.  

The expo will be officially opened by Uncle Russ Saunders with a Welcome to Country at 9:30am. Followed by the amazing Aboriginal dancers from local schools. 

We can expect the students to not only gain information regarding their future careers, but also be involved in providing entertainment with music by MVAC, hospitality students for food service by Chatham High, and volunteer support throughout the day in event management.  

Glen Bowman, Career’s Advisor at Taree High anticipates this to be a “truly integrated learning experience” and further says "The upscaling of the event allows all community members, not just high school students, access to professional careers information or to seek out new opportunities in skills shortage areas from a plethora of providers." 

The day will be capped off with an evening information session provided by UAC from 5pm for parents and students to attend at Taree Universities Campus.  

Donna Ballard, CEO of Taree Universities Campus, says “this is the perfect way for local students and parents to experience and explore career opportunities”. 

The expo will attract students from Kempsey to Bulahdelah with busloads of high school students arriving at staggered times throughout the day, with over 2000 students expected to to engage within the activities provided. There is a high level of commitment from local careers advisers in  support of the event. 

With 90 Exhibitors booked to participate, including the traditional exhibitors such as universities, private and vocational colleges, CareerQuip brings a field style expo with an interactive vibe for everyone to explore.  Displays by the Australian Defence Forces recruitment, TAFE, NSW Police, Mid Coast Council and more local employer organisations the event will really showcase the potential career opportunities within the Mid Coast. 

Erin Saunders, UNE Taree Centre Coordinator adds, "The more interactive an exhibitor’s stand can be the better. We want people to feel engaged in what is available to them in their future career".  

It is important to note that although CareerQuip was formed based on student needs, it is open to everyone!  

Mrs. Ballard says, "We want to help local business to find staff to meet their skills gaps." 

CareerQuip is here to connect everyone to the future career!  


Contact details 

Your contact for CareerQuip is Mr Glen Bowman. 




Taree Universities Campus page

Media inquiries: Donna Ballard 0417 570 359 

Linden Rudge