Taree Universities Campus provides facilities for Hospital redevelopment
Taree Universities Campus (TUC) relocated to 2 Pulteney Street in March 2024, with a newly renovated study space purpose built to meet the needs of university and tertiary students. The TUC Building was previously occupied by the administration staff of Greater Taree City Council. After refurbishment of sections of the building, the unoccupied areas were offered for lease.
The imminent Stage 2 redevelopments at Manning Base Hospital involve the demolition of the administration building and facility management unit, requiring relocation of some hospital staff off-site. The TUC Building was flagged as an appropriate option, and hospital staff will be moving to 2 Pulteney Street shortly.
Spokesperson for NSW Health says, “As the redevelopment will take place on the existing hospital site, it is essential that works are staged to not compromise the day-to-day operations of the staff and clinicians in providing patient care.”
TUC CEO Donna Ballard says, “we welcome Manning Base Hospital staff to share the space here with us, and see opportunities for future collaboration with the majority of Taree Universities Campus students studying in Nursing and health related areas.”
Since Taree Universities Campus opened in 2020 more than 600 students have registered, currently 74 nursing students are registered and more than 60% or total students study in the Health disciplines.
The NSW Government is investing $180 million in health facilities to improve health outcomes for the people of the Lower Mid North Coast.
The Manning Base Hospital Redevelopment Stage 2 is expected to deliver a new three-storey inpatient unit and mortuary, with strong connectivity between the old and new portions of the site. Construction timeframes will be confirmed once planning has been finalised and a builder engaged.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Donna Ballard
CEO, Taree Universities Campus
1300 16 9990