What's in store for you in 2022?
Are you contemplating a change of career? Or, just finished school or TAFE and asking what’s next?
Join the next TUC Uni Q & A Session on 21st of January 2022 where we'll help you explore options for your next steps and answer your questions about university.
The Uni Q & A session/s will be a chance to meet Ben Archer, TUC Careers Advisor, and Marlo Slavin, TUC Campus Coordinator in a group session to ask questions live.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Join in person at the Campus or attend via Zoom
Register your attendance:
Please note: by clicking the ‘in person’ link above, you’ll be directed to Calendly to enter your details. You can view Calendly’s data storage policy by visiting https://calendly.com/privacy. If you prefer to contact us directly to register your interest, you can email us at hello@tareeuni.org.au.