Be part of growing the story of Taree Universities Campus through a collaborative weaving workshop creating an artwork for the building’s foyer. No experience necessary! You will learn from master Biripi weaver and artist Joedie Lawler. Join one or all of the workshops held on Saturday mornings in May and June:
3 workshops:
Saturday 18 May 2024 10am - 1pm
Saturday 25 May 2024 10am - 1pm
Saturday 8 June 2024 10am - 1pm
Location: TUC Building, 2 Pulteney Street, Taree
FREE to attend, all materials supplied.
15 people per workshop
Your chance to be a part of something bigger.
The main purpose of the artwork is to have different sectors of community contribute to the creation of the weaving over the three workshops. At the conclusion of the workshop series, Joedie will bring all the elements together in a single piece that will be displayed in the foyer. An Elder's story will also be attached to the piece.
This project was made possible by the Australian Government Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.